Custom Quick Settings v2.0

Custom Quick Settings is just over a year old now, and I’ve not updated it in over 6 months. Today, that changes.

It’s a total rewrite of the ENTIRE app, every piece of code (except a couple of small classes & some compatibility [called “legacy” in-app] stuff) is brand new, and written for the Nougat tile API with compatibility for 5.0-6.0

New Features:

Tile Actions – A tile can now have multiple actions, and switches between them on click. This allows you to create tiles that act as switches, without having to deal with setting them in Tasker. It also means all built in preset tiles (except a couple) react to changes of state.
UI Change – There’s now two screens in the customisation view, one is for presets and allows for setting up simple tiles, one is for advanced users and allows customisation – adding actions, setting custom labels, icons and states. I also moved heavy stuff to background tasks so it should be pretty much lag free
Live Tiles – Tiles that show the CPU speed, free RAM, Internal/External Storage space, battery & current weather conditions (BBC & Yahoo – pro only). Clicking the tiles will open a dialog box with more information – unless you’re running CyanogenMod or have Xposed, when it will expand into a view in the Quick Settings, like a native tile. There’s also a Calculator (pro only) live tile which does the same, but obviously doesn’t change label.
Click Widget – Allows you to set up a widget to automatically be clicked (in a pre-defined X,Y position) to toggle apps that don’t have shortcuts but have widgets. I’ve tested this with Twilight, it works just fine
Easier removal – Removal of tiles on all versions of Android is now automatic, no need to drag away tiles
No tile spam – On Android 7.x, currently all tiles are always shown as options to add in the edit tiles screen. Now it’s only the ones you need.
Much better compatibility checker


All Android versions are now limited to 20 tiles – for compatibility reasons (if enough people ask for this to be raised, it is possible, it just makes the app bigger)
Your tiles may be reset or broken on updating – I’ve done as much as I can to prevent this, but it may still happen
Tasker tasks may get broken – I added the same plugin with the same class names in, but I’m not sure if they’ll carry across for all
Rearrange tiles is missing on Android 5.x – It was buggy as hell and I’ll try to make it better in the new year
Black tile tint – Not sure if this was even needed (and it took up loads of memory), as it is done automatically now. If I have enough people really need it, I’ll add it back
CM tiles are still being as buggy as ever. I’ve checked with the code, and whilst they work sometimes, they’re still overwriting the same tile. The code and data they send for both of these times is both correct and the same – This may never be fixed, unless someone continues with the CM tiles API after the closure of Cyanogen Inc.



Enjoy the update, and report any bugs to my email at